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Routine Treatments

Nail cutting

As we age the structure and quality of our nails changes. They can thicken, develop fungal infections, or become in-growing making them difficult to cut.

Corn and Callus removal

Corns and callus develop on pressure areas of the feet. In some cases this hard, dry skin cracks and can bleed, in others the hard skin forms painful corns. This can become problematic and painful if left untreated.

In-growing Toenails

Nail shape, bad cutting or trauma can cause the nail edges to irritate the skin, leading to pain, inflammation and infection. Early, regular treatment by a podiatrist can keep the condition at bay and nail surgery can alleviate the problem completely.


Verrucae are caused by a common virus that can affect people of any age. Though not serious the virus is highly contagious so treatment is important, and your podiatrist will be able to give you advice on how to protect yourself and you family.

Fungal Nail advice

Fungal nail infection causes nails to become mis-shapen and discoloured. Fungal nail is very difficult to treat with high street topical brands and in extreme cases your podiatrist may advise you to see your doctor for prescription medication.

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Specialist Treatments
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Diabetic Foot

People with this condition can be more susceptible to infection in their feet due to reduced sensation and delayed healing time of any injuries. It is vitally important that people with diabetes are made aware of this risk and have regular foot checks. Your podiatrist will be able to check blood flow and nerve sensation to ensure the risks are minimised.


Inflammatory arthritis can affect feet in many ways such as altered gait pattern, callus development, and increased pain. Walking may be difficult and finding shoes on the high street that fit can be impossible. Your podiatrist can conduct regular assessments, remove callus build up, and give advice on specialist footwear companies.

Wound care

There are instances where wounds need regular podiatry treatment such as ulcers. Your podiatrist has the knowledge and specialist resources to treat wounds and reduce healing time.

Nail Surgery

There occasions where painful nails need to be removed. Your podiatrist is qualified to remove problem nails using surgical procedures under local anaesthetic. As part of the procedure they will also redress and monitor the site until it is healed.


In terms of our feet, physical forces have a profound effect on the way we stand and walk. Sometimes we need help to straighten things out a bit. This can be achieved using insoles or prescription made orthotics that sit in our shoes. Your podiatrist has an understanding of these forces and can custom make orthotics for this purpose.

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Find Your Feet Podiatry and Chiropody | Haywards Heath, Sussex | Footcare

Correspondance Address:

33 Cliffe High Street, Lewes, BN7 2AN

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